Target Species
Project target species are the meadow breeding waders (Limicola) Northern lapwing, redshank, black-tailed godwit, common snipe, Eurasian curlew, as well as dunlin and ruff. Their brood stocks are evidently decreasing since the last 3 decades in Central Europe. Dunlin and ruff are currently ceasing dramatically in North-Eastern Germany with only single breeding pairs.

Northern Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus)
The Northern lapwing was a common breeding bird in meadows and salt marshes of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania in the past. Its recent brood stock is estimated about 1900 to 3400, decreasingly. Northern lapwing is flexible to adapt fastly to new breeding grounds. (Picture: Günther Hoffmann)

Redshank (Tringa totanus)
Like the other species of wet greenlands, the redshank is suffering from loss of breeding habitats. These were lost by tilling, prior mowing, dikes, draining and dewatering of salt marshes and greenlands. Only 250-300 pairs of redshanks are recently breeding in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania. (Picture: Dr. Mirko Dreßler)

Black-tailed Godwit (Limosa limosa)
Typical call of black-tailed godwit is falling into oblivion in many places. Brood stock is about 30 to 60 pairs in M-V. Black-tailed godwit adopts well to conservation measures, as the project for compensation of Nord Stream AG in meadows near Leopoldshagen prooves with increasing counts of brood pairs. (Picture: Günther Hoffmann)

Common Snipe (Gallinago gallinago)
Common snipe lives hidden, but in spring time at dawn and dusk you can listen to its special humming sounds. This comes from rectrices of mainly male snipes swooping. Brood stock in M-V is only estimated 700 to 1400 pairs. (Picture: Dr. Mirko Dreßler)

Eurasion Curlew (Numenius arquata)
In Germany the Eurasian curlew is threatened with extinction. Brood stock is about 30-40 pairs in M-V. Species has philopatric behaviour and settles at the same brood sites each year. Population declines further, if it looses its habitat, e.g. by tilling or intensification. (Picture: Kai Paulig)

Ruff (Philomachus pugnax)
Only during migration period you can take a glance on dazzling males of ruff in our region. Recent brood stock is estimated 1-2 pairs in M-V. With creation of new suitable habitats we want to prevent ruffs from extinction in Germany. (Picture: Kai Paulig)

Dunlin (Calidris alpina)
Brood stock of dunlin is declining all over the Baltic region. In Mecklenburg-West Pomerania it is almost extinct. Last proved sight of territory behavior of dunlin in Freesendorf grassland and on the isle of Großer Wotig was reported in 2007. These potential breeding grounds should be protected and well-managed for resettlement. (Picture: Kai Paulig)
Records of bird voices provided with kind permission of Tierstimmenarchiv by Museum für Naturkunde Berlin.