Polder Sites
The polders of Rosenhagen, Bugewitz, Leopoldshagen and Mönkebude are searching areas of about 650 ha. In a first step, we will present possible actions to stakeholders (propietors, land users, communities) and review basic feasibility. After this, hydrological studies will be carried out in order to investigate possibilities of optimisation of water-level regulation.
We intend to manage water-levels in a way that inundation is avoided, but at the same time as much water as possible is retented in the ground for the summer period. If necessary, existing pumping stations will be overhauled and new weirs (small dams) will be built.
In cooperation with farmers we will manage land use (grazing, mowing) in order to achieve biodiverse meadows for insects. Costs for the alignment of land use will be financed by the project.
Moreover, by installation of immobile and mobile fences we aim to protect the grazing and breeding grounds from predators like foxes and raccoons.
During spring season the meadows should be wet, making it easier for birds to poke in the ground. With vegetation growing and intensive solar radiation the soil dries in summer month. Actually the polders are pumped all over the year what favors degradation of turf and emission of greenhouse gases.
For the protection of Lapwing nests we install electric fences to prevent from predation by ground carnivores. In early summer we remove them so the farmer can bring his cattle or make hay.