Events and news at a glance.
Project manager wanted
Bei der Stiftung Umwelt- und Naturschutz Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ist frühestmöglich eine Stelle als
für ein EU LIFE-Projekt mit dem inhaltlichen Schwerpunkt Wiesenbrüterschutz
in Teilzeit mit 35h/Woche zu besetzen. Die Stelle ist vorerst auf den Projektzeitraum (bis zum 30.09.2025) befristet, mit Aussicht auf Verlängerung um bis zu zwei Jahren.
Das Aufgabengebiet umfasst die eigenverantwortliche Projektleitung und -steuerung eines Projektes, dessen Ziel die Entwicklung von Maßnahmen zum Fortbestand ausgewählter Wiesenbrüterarten im Bereich des Oderästuars in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ist.
Die Aufgaben des Projektleiters umfassen im Einzelnen:
- die Überwachung und Abrechnung baulicher Maßnahmen
- die Auswahl und Vorbereitung bzw. Durchführung des Ankaufs von Flächen im Projektgebiet
- die Projektdokumentation und Erstellung von Berichten und die Entwicklung eines After-LIFE-Konzeptes
- die Führung und Koordinierung der haupt- und ehrenamtlichen Projektmitarbeiter sowie die Leitung des Projektbüros
- die Überwachung und Steuerung des Projektfortschrittes und die Projektabrechnung ggü. der EU, dem Land MV und den Projektpartnern
- die Außenkommunikation mit fachlich Beteiligten, Behörden, Interessenvertretern, Eigentümern und Landnutzern und die öffentliche Präsentation des Gesamtprojektes
- die Koordination und Mitarbeit an der Erstellung von Informationsmaterialien und der Projekt-Homepage
- abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium der Fachrichtung Landschaftsökologie und Naturschutz, Biologie, Geographie, Landschaftspflege oder vergleichbare Abschlüsse
- praktische Erfahrungen in der Koordinierung und Umsetzung von Naturschutzprojekten
- sichere Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift
- sicherer Umgang mit Standard-Software (MS-Office) und Kenntnisse bei der Anwendung von Geographischen Informationssystemen (QGIS)
- avifaunistische und floristische Artenkenntnisse und Fachkenntnisse über ökosystemare Zusammenhänge wünschenswert
- Belastbarkeit, Teamfähigkeit, Einsatzbereitschaft, Mobilitätsbereitschaft (Reisetätigkeit), selbständiges und verantwortungsbewusstes Handeln, Personalführung
- sehr gute Kommunikationsfähigkeit
- Führerschein Klasse B
Wir bieten Ihnen eine interessante, abwechslungsreiche und verantwortungsvolle Tätigkeit mit einer Vergütung nach TV-L M-V, Entgeltgruppe 13. Ihr Arbeitsplatz sowie die Projektstandorte befinden sich in Vorpommern. Das Projektbüro liegt in Bugewitz, nahe Anklam.
Bitte schicken Sie Ihre Bewerbung bis zum 17.11.2024 bevorzugt online an:
oder postalisch an:
Stiftung Umwelt- und Naturschutz Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Herrn Bjørn Schwake
Mecklenburgstraße 7
19053 Schwerin
The first lapwings have hatched
The first lapwings hatched last week in our project area Freesendorfer Wiesen. The meadows are part of the ‘Peenemünder Haken, Struck und Ruden’ nature reserve. Unfortunately, we have not been able to record any major breeding successes in recent years. The population size has remained more or less at the same level for years. However, the benefits of our work are gradually becoming apparent. Thanks to the incredibly great cooperation with one of the local farmers, large areas of the meadows have been in optimal condition since 2023. The breeding birds are more widely distributed as a result. But then the problem was that they no longer bred within the clutch protection fence and were more or less defenceless against the predators, and most of the breeding was aborted. The lapwings in particular moved to other areas. As a result, we have intensified predator management considerably since last year and have been surprised at how many predators are actually on the move in this area. So the breeding season should actually go well this year. We are still cautiously optimistic, because somehow you never know what won't fit next....crows, peregrine falcons,....
New solar pumps for areas in the polder Rosenhagen and Mönkebude
We have purchased two new solar pumps. We want to use these to create feeding habitats for meadow birds. Two solar pumps have already been in use in our project areas since 2020. The resulting 1-2 hectares of surface waterlogged areas are regularly visited by the limicoles. Our new pumps are lighter and more mobile. A slightly more powerful model will provide larger feeding areas in the polder Rosenhagen. A slightly smaller pump will be used to fill existing small and flat ditches with water. We hope that the ditches will create a more extensive feeding area. As soon as the areas become too dry, the solar pumps will be used.
The breeding habitat in the Bugewitz polder is unfortunately in poor condition
The agricultural conditions in Western Pomerania were not exactly ideal in 2023. Heavy rainfall events and AUKM programmes that are disadvantageous for the protection of meadow breeding birds brought this result. Initially, we were still hopeful that one or two lapwings would nevertheless settle down for a trial and we erected a clutch protection fence. However, we took this down again after two weeks. None breeding pairs of lapwings settled down and, quite understandably, the redshanks also stayed away. We need to come up with something good so that this area shows potential again next year, because at least the hydrological conditions are already right here.
What is happening in the Cosim peninsula project area, Usedom island
The Cosim peninsula is a former sea wall-salt marsh complex in the Achterwasser on the island of Usedom. Due to lack of utilisation, reed beds have spread and the island has lost its importance as a breeding habitat for meadow-nesting limicoles. The resumption of extensive management in 2019 by the LIFE project is intended to restore the character of the species-rich meadow communities and provide breeding opportunities for meadow breeders again. The first two breeding pairs of lapwings settled here in 2023. One pair bred successfully. To further optimise the area, Dexter cattle have been grazing there since last year (not during the winter months). Overhanging reeds were cut down by the Usedom Island Nature Park in January. We can't wait to see how many waders will use the Cosim peninsula for breeding this year.
Output International seminar of LIFE Limicodra at the conference of the International Wader Study Group, 29.09.-02.10.2023, Sylt
It took a little longer to analyse the other questionnaires and to evaluate the data from our wish list. So what constitutes a meadow breeding project, what is on a wish list for a suitable project and where is the need particularly high or important: Everyone agreed on many points with “ very important” or “important”. For example, good water management is essential and a strong lobbyist in Brussels was also considered as “very important” by the majority of participants. However, there were also discrepancies in other areas. For example, a project duration of >20 years is not the decisive factor for successful meadow bird conservation for everyone. Once initiated and the corresponding measures fully invested in, a project can also be continued via state institutions and with lower funding, although perhaps not always to the desired extent. The question of whether meadow bird projects should only be implemented in SPA areas sparked a major debate. The birds are not always to be found where they can be "more easily" protected by the element of an SPA. The lapwing, for example, is also found in the "normal landscape" and therefore also needs protection there. A number of experiences were exchanged with regard to direct implementation. It would be desirable to realise a two-stage application process for projects. In addition to a longer duration, successful projects require a sufficient budget to be able to counter for example inflation, permanent and sufficient staff, a flexible project concept and a larger proportion of funding in general. It was also about raising public awareness of the need to focus on meadow birds in order to increase funding for such projects. This includes, above all, the transfer of knowledge from and to farmers, changing and anchoring meadow bird projects as well as improving the reputation of meadow bird projects in the public eye through more comprehensive information and education, as well as better involvement of stakeholders.
The discussion highlighted the deficits that exist in the implementation of meadow bird projects. Suitable funding programmes were discussed and pointed out. It became clear that there is still a lot of potential for improvement, that knowledge of the financial possibilities must be broadened, that meadow bird conservation must be publicised to the general public and that more support is needed from the EU as well as the individual federal states and provinces.
This workshop was able to capture an initial picture of opinion, and now it is time to gather further opinions and initially develop the survey further and distribute and analyse it on a larger scale.
Wishlist (engl.) |
very important |
important |
disagree |
total vote |
Good water management |
28 |
0 |
0 |
28 |
Knowledge transfer conservation to and from farmers |
27 |
1 |
28 |
Powerfull Lobbyist in Brussell |
27 |
3 |
30 |
more funds |
26 |
3 |
29 |
Always take time to reconside projekt strategy |
25 |
2 |
27 |
Changing and inthrencing the public opinion |
24 |
4 |
28 |
Learning from mistakes |
24 |
2 |
0 |
26 |
Permanent + sufficient staff |
22 |
7 |
29 |
Sufficient budget (Inflation) |
20 |
7 |
1 |
28 |
Flexible project concept |
19 |
8 |
27 |
Better Stakholders involvement |
18 |
10 |
28 |
Purchase of Land |
18 |
11 |
2 |
31 |
Long project lifetime >20y |
16 |
14 |
30 |
Two step application |
12 |
12 |
24 |
Focus on predation on all levels |
11 |
12 |
4 |
27 |
Project monitoring (Performance) |
9 |
18 |
27 |
Project focus SPA´s |
3 |
10 |
13 |
26 |
Improve reputation of meadow bird projekt |
2 |
21 |
2 |
25 |
Workshop LIFE Limicodra: Funding instruments for meadow bird protection: advantages/disadvantages
The workshop “The protection of meadow birds – realisation via various funding instruments with their advantages and disadvantages”– International Seminar of the EU-project LIFE Limicodra – will take place at the conference of the IWSG at the island of Sylt on Sunday, 01.10.2023.
The protection of meadow birds in Germany and other countries is currently being implemented through various means. There are different funding options and approaches for this and we would like to bring together some of these different funding programmes and projects. We would like to get to know the most suitable programme, to filter out advantages and disadvantages and to bring together the most basic cornerstones for a comprehensive and effective wader protection programme in a joint discussion.
In advance we would like to get more informations by you and hope you have 15 minutes to answer our questions. Thank you very much!
Annual report 2022 to download now
The annual report 2022 informs you about the progress of the LIFE Limicodra project. Here you can find detailed information about the implemented measures. The report can be downloaded from the information page.
monitoring report 2022 now available
You can find the number of breeding pairs of our target species and other meadow birds in the monitoring report as download on the info site.
Four hikes for interested people " the traces of the meadow breeders"
Also this year, four hikes for interested people " the traces of the meadow breeders" will be carried out by an employee of our project partner, Naturpark Insel Usedom, in our project area Freesendorfer Wiesen.
These walks are offered in the 2023 guide program "On the road on Usedom by bike" of the Usedom Island Nature Park.
Registration via:
Usedom Island Nature Park
Phone: 038372/7630
Something has to change!
Under this motto, an event organized by several water and soil associations took place in Anklam on 17.05.2023 on the topics of dealing with beaver damage and future moor protection. The Lower Nature Conservation Authority of the district Vorpommern-Greifswald was invited to give a lecture on the beaver problem. The LIFE - project office presented its work to show an implementable success story in practical peatland protection. The aim of the event was to initiate a discussion on these issues with the Minister for Climate Protection, Agriculture, Rural Areas and Environment, Mr. Backhaus, regional farmers and representatives from authorities and associations.
As a conclusion it is necessary to provide more money, more simply than so far for the removal of beaver damages as well as to push the further arrangement of the basic conditions for the moor-protecting damming in the fens of the country MV. For this purpose, guidelines and decrees have to be revised or elaborated, which make it easier for the actors to implement the daily problems in the area in a more sustainable way.
6th Project Visit by Dr. Bergmann, NEEMO Particip Ltd. and Mrs. Hingsamer, CINEA
On April 25, 2023, Dr. Bergmann from the monitoring team for LIFE projects of NEEMO Particip Ltd. visited us on behalf of the European Commission. Mrs. Hingsamer from CINEA (European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency), representing the EU, visited our project for the first time. A member of the Board of Trustees of the MV Foundation for the Environment and Nature Conservation from the Ministry for Climate Protection, Agriculture, Rural Areas and Environment Mecklenburg-Vorpommern as well as our other financiers and project partners were also present.
The project team informed about the status of the implementation of all measures in the project areas as well as the current expenditure status and discussed open technical and financial questions. In the field of public relations, the planning for an international seminar and an indoor exhibition in the rooms of the nature parks as well as community centers was presented. Further topics were the upcoming purchase and exchange regarding the securing of areas for the necessary measure implementations, the current support programs of the agricultural and environmental measures as well as the presentation of the goals to be achieved at the end of the project in 2025 and the targeted goals 5 years later in the After-LIFE-Conservation Plan.
In the afternoon, the participants were able to see the successes of our work during an excursion to our project areas Großer Wotig, Freesendorfer Wiesen and Struck.
QGIS course
This is also part of our work: Creating maps to show, for example, where exactly our godwits have bred in the Mönkebude polder or where the ditches run and dams with optimization needs are located. This can be done with the QGIS program, among others. So this is one of our tools of the trade that we have to be able to operate. That's why we spent four days at a training course together with colleagues from the Environmental and Nature Conservation Foundation MV and the Land Agency MV, and learned a lot. But now it's time to get back out in the open. The breeding season is in full swing and our backs are tired from sitting so much.
Experts examine and discuss our surfaces - What we can do even better
From 02-05.04.23 Ole Thorup, luminary for meadowland birds, especially for the Ruff, employee of our project partner Amphi International and Vice-Chairman of the International Wader Study Group was on the road with us, our project partners and other meadowland bird experts from the Netherlands and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern on our project areas as well as neighboring project areas (polder Leopoldshagen, Karrendorfer and Kooser Wiesen, island Koos). We looked at the polder areas with regard to the further optimization of vegetation and water levels and visited the northern areas with a view to the former breeding areas of the Dunlin. But the focus was also on what we can still optimize in general in all areas for our meadow birds. Now, thanks to Ole, we have a plan where we can still optimize a few things and hope to be able to attract the Dunlin back to Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
The mobile protection fences in the polders Bugewitz and Mönkebude as well as in the Freesendorfer meadows are in place.
We start into the new season. As every year, our mobile protection fences are up again in the polders Mönkebude (2 pieces) and Freesendorfer Wiesen. In the polder Bugewitz we have adapted the fence better to the game passage, so that the wild boars can no longer run around the fence and possibly get caught, which has never happened before. The Bugewitz polder is developing and more and more lapwings are taking to the area, so this year we put up a fence in two places. Again, the nature parks and volunteers helped us with the work. After erecting the fence in the Freesendorf meadows, we took a look at the former breeding areas of the Dunlin and thought about what we could improve there.
Head willow maintenance in the polders Bugewitz and Rosenhagen
In the winter of 2022/2023, a total of 144 pollarded willows were maintained in the Bugewitz and Rosenhagen polders. The work has been largely completed. Some pollarded willows still need the finishing touches, which will be done as soon as the areas have dried off a bit and the heavy equipment required for this can approach the trees. In the Bugewitz polder, an additional 20 elderberry trees and 243 hybrid poplars were removed. There is now great foresight for the meadow birds and we are curious how many lapwings will settle in the polder this year. We thank the company WoodPimp for the good work!
6th project meeting
At the beginning of each year we meet with our project partners to review the implementation of the last year, to give a detailed insight into the finances and to discuss the planning of measures for the coming year. This year, we mainly discussed the upcoming land swap in the Rosenhagen polder and the design of the AUKM programs (agri-environmental and climate measures). Afterwards, the steering group met. In addition, the project management team, consisting of employees of the nature parks, the Baltic Sea Foundation, Amphi International and the LIFE project, meets twice a year to discuss work planning.
Meeting of the Project Accompanying Working Group in January 2023 in Bugewitz
As every year, we inform our Project Accompanying Working Group (PAG) about the measures and implementations in our project from the previous year as well as about upcoming implementations and planning in the areas and in the field of public relations. After the presentation in the project office we went on an excursion with some participants to the polder Bugewitz to have a look at the work of head willow maintenance and poplar removal as well as an installed artificial foxhole and the currently adjusted water levels. The PAG consists of authorities from the district of Vorpommern-Greifswald, the municipalities of the project areas, water managers, hunting, farming and nature conservation associations as well as the nature parks. This year, a total of 14 people participated.
More vision for lapwing near Bugewitz
In December, poplars were removed from the edge of the Bugewitz polder. At the moment, several pollarded willows are receiving urgently needed care here and in the Rosenhagen polder. All this not only benefits the meadow nesting birds. There are now fewer hiding places for predatory mammals and fewer places for aerial predators such as crows, buzzards and other species, all of which like to help themselves to the nests and chicks of the lapwing and redshank. However, the removal of the poplars and maintenance of the pastures also has positive effects for the local people and farmers. Many trees were diseased, have already fallen in the summer of 2022 or are threatened with this fate in future storms. They then block paths and agricultural areas and have already had to be cleared. Now the biomass is being used to generate energy.
There is more on this topic in an article from the Nordkurier from 04.01.2023:
Theoretical training of volunteer site managers in the EU project LIFE Limicodra
Many volunteers have actively supported us during the breeding bird season!
In the theoretical training of voluntary area supervisors in the EU-project LIFE Limicodra on Saturday, 03.12.2022, we underpinned the collected experiences in practice with theoretical basics.
With this knowledge, they can continue to actively support us in the next 3 years of project duration, but also beyond the term.
The presentations given as well as the protocol of the event can be downloaded under Infomation.
You can find a press report on this in the Nordkurier.
Presentation of certificate to Fabian Kruse Group photo in front of the project office
Visit from the Ministry MV in the LIFE project
On 18.11.2022 Dr. Malte Ehrich from the Ministry of Climate Protection, Agriculture, Rural Areas and Environment of the State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Department 270: Peatlands, Ecosystem Services, Competence Center Ecovalue Papers and Education for Sustainable Development came to visit us in the LIFE project. Dr. Ehrich is also a member of the board of trustees of the Stiftung Umwelt- und Naturschutz MV. We visited with him the hydraulic engineering facilities in the polder Mönkebude, which were upgraded by the LIFE project, looked at the works of the poplar removal in the polder Bugewitz and put the special focus on the peat body, which we looked at more closely in the polder Mönkebude. We discussed the AUKM program (Agri-environmental and Climate Measures) "Peat conservation water management", how successful it has been the last two years in the LIFE project, what were the advantages and disadvantages and what are the improvements.
Study trip to Denmark 2022
At the end of August, together with staff from our project partners Amphi International and the Nature Park „Am Stettiner Haff“ of the State Agency for Environment, Nature Conservation and Geology (LUNG), we did a study trip to several coastal areas in Denmark with a wide variety of projects to protect meadow birds.
On the trip we were accompanied by our colleague Ole Thorup from Amphi International, an expert with extensive knowledge about the development of meadow breeding populations in Denmark. He organized the entire study tour and on the first day he took us to the local salt marshes of Vesløs, near Amtoft.
The next day we visited the Østerildtårnet bird sanctuary. Ornitologist Jørgen Peter Kjeldsen guided us through the poldered areas along the Limfjord. This area, in connection with Bygholm, is one of the largest wetland complexes in Denmark (about 6000 ha). Afterwards we met with the local manager of AAGE V. JENSEN NATURFOND in Bygholm. He showed us different areas, which are used in different ways. For example, some areas are used with grazing cattle, others are allowed to develop reed beds, some areas are closed to tourism others are very well developed for the public with sufficient information about the area and the species living there.
The destination for the third day was the island of Agersø. On the way there we visited the coastal meadow area Lejsø near Korsør, a breeding area of black-tailed godwit and ruff. Here we could participate in the impressive cooperation of nature conservationists and the municipality with the owner and farmer. It was nice to see what is possible when everyone pulls together.
On Agersø we visited the coastal meadows in the northern part and the Helleholm Game Reserve in the southern part of the island. Here, we met more lone fighters in the effort to do something for the meadow birds. On the island the landowners have to pay the farmers to bring their cattle onto the land.In Germany or on the mainland of Denmark we know it rather the other way around. That means on the northern part of Agersø no grazing in the wader area and that means that without short meadows it will be difficult for the meadow birds to find good breeding spots. So far, they mow the corresponding areas but this endeavor is also becoming increasingly difficult. We keep our fingers crossed that things will continue there in the next few years and that it will become a little easier again to manage the area.
The afternoon was spent visiting the Bøtø Nor bird reserve with Anita Pedersen, biologist at Guldborgsund Municipality (and also an ornithologist), and the local manager of Bøtø Enge/Bøtø Nor. It was exciting to hear and see how they are trying to restore reclaimed coastal meadows here as wetlands and wet meadows (Natura 2000 site). They are still in the early stages but have already accomplished much, such as grazing Highland cattle togehter with Cornic horses, hydrological separation to surrounding farmland, and large scale land purchase. The task now is to continue to develop the land and work with the agencies on management plans to further embed meadowland conservation.
On the last day of our excursion we visited Nyord. Søren Ring, biologist and director of Fugleværnsfonden, led us through a rather large meadow area, partly owned by the Fugleværnsfonden Foundation, with large meadow bird populations. We were impressed by the size of the area, the management and the cooperation with the farmers. For example, grazing is deliberately managed from the inside out, so that as the areas in the coastal floodplain dry out naturally, the cattle can move further and further to the coast and the meadow birds can breed undisturbed.
guided tour for employees of the Lower Oder Valley Nature Park in the Rosenhagen polder
On 10.10.2022 a guided tour for employees of the Lower Oder Valley Nature Park was conducted in the Rosenhagen polder.
Four hikes for interested people
Four hikes for interested people " the traces of the meadow breeders" were carried out by an employee of our project partner, Naturpark Usedom, in our project area Freesendorfer Wiesen.
These walks were offered in the 2022 guide program "On the road on Usedom by bike" of the Usedom Island Nature Park.
After the welcome and introduction there was a leisurely hike through the meadows with explanations about what could be seen (e.g. white-tailed eagle, botany). With binoculars some Limicoles could be observed, once even 8 Eurasion Curlews.
on 18. 06.: 3 adults
on 23.07.: 3 adults and one child
on 20.08.: 5 adults
on 24.09.: 7 adults
monitoring report 2021 now available
You can find the number of breeding pairs of our target species and other meadow birds in the monitoring report as download on the info site.
Breeding season 2022
Already at the time of the birds' spring migration, the project areas offer the resting target species attractive spaces for foraging or resting. Numerous snipe use the meadows and pastures, which are often still wet on the surface. Ruffed Sandpipers have also been observed regularly passing through the polders, spending their time mating. Thus, breeding is quite conceivable here, if further work is done on the quality of the boundary conditions.
In the northern areas, Dunlins migrate through, and their breeding success is less likely but not impossible. The areas are also important for a variety of other protected birds, so any measures will benefit them as well.
The breeding season was mixed. On the island Struck, numbers stagnated at a low level, the number of breeding birds in the meadows of Freesendorf Wiesen was comparable to the previous year, and breeding success continued to be low. In addition to the target species of the project, Sand Plover, Oystercatcher as well as Avocet, which are among the rarer breeding birds in the area, breed regularly.
The re-established areas on the island Großer Wotig were well accepted by the breeding birds, breeding success is likely.
In 2022, a total of 11 breeding pairs of lapwings bred in the polders of Rosenhagen and Bugewitz. There was a slight increase compared to previous years, as the habitat conditions were very good. In the polder of Mönkebude, conditions were also ideal in 2022. A total of two pairs of black-tailed godwits, 4 pairs of redshanks, 26 pairs of lapwings, and numerous other small birds tied to extensively used wet meadows were breeding. Lapwings, redshanks and godwits fledged and left these areas flying.
The first territorial activities in the northern areas were already recorded during the warm phase in March. Among others, the first nests were established in the Freesendorfer Wiesen. After a cold spell, the lapwings abandoned these first clutches. The cold spell extended into the third decade of April and then transitioned into a prolonged dry spell during which the areas dried out quickly. Conditions were very unsuitable and breeding activity in lapwings ceased in all areas. In the second decade of May, higher water levels occurred again. Thanks to the upgrading of the tideway network in the previous year, the depressions were filled with water again. The breeding habitats were then attractive again and breeding was resumed. At the beginning of June, several families with young were on the move, many of them fledged. For the first time, breeding success was also observed in the pastoral meadows in the NSG Großer Wotig. On the island Struck, in the Freesendorfer Wiesen and in NSG Großer Wotig breeding success was recorded with the lapwings. Redshanks were less affected by the cold spring and dry period and also had breeding success on the Struck and Freesendorfer Wiesen, but not in the NSG Großer Wotig. In the case of the Plovers, only a few pairs were successful in the Freesendorf Wiesen. Avocets attempted to breed in Freesendorfer Wiesen in late April (aborted due to drought) and then again in late May in the clutch fence. However, they were not successful.
Thus, breeding success in 2022 was mixed and will have achieved stock-sustaining reproduction at most for Lapwing and Redshank. However, the evaluation of the monitoring of the breeding season 2022 has not yet been completed.
In addition to monitoring the breeding birds, it became necessary to identify the predators present and to begin targeted monitoring here as well. In order to take measures to increase breeding success, it is necessary to know what effects predators have on breeding birds. For this purpose, a thermal imaging camera was purchased so that during the main activity time of the night, it can be determined who is present and what damage is occurring there. At the same time, 3 wildlife cameras were installed at selected sites. Observations with the thermal imaging camera and recordings from the wildlife cameras provide clear information about which predators are present. For example, in the polder of Mönkebude during the breeding season, at least two marten were observed walking across the breeding area inside the clutch protection fence.
The monitoring of water levels in 2022 again yielded interesting facts about what is happening under the turf. Management of peatland grassland is possible with high water levels under current management conditions. Existing water management facilities would need to be further adapted and expanded to further stabilized water levels. The knowledge gained from monitoring water levels expands the expertise in managing fens while water levels are high. During several professional events, these long-term measurement series could be presented to a broad audience from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern but also from other federal states.
monitoring report 2020 now available
You can find the number of breeding pairs of our target species and other meadow birds in the monitoring report as download on the info site.
Annual report 2021 to download now
The annual report 2021 informs you about the progress of the LIFE Limicodra project. Here you can find detailed information about the implemented measures. The report can be downloaded from the information page.
meeting of the nature parks MV
On 28.06.2022 Kai Paulig presented the LIFE project in the context of the meeting of the nature parks MV in a guided tour in the polders Mönkebude and Rosenhagen.
Presentation of water management in polders for the protection of peatland and waders
The EU project LIFE Limicodra has been dedicated for 5 years now to the protection of waders. Since 2 years this protection is also supported by the agricultural program "Peatland-friendly water retention" of the AUKM (Agrar-, Umwelt- und Klima- Maßnahmen: Agricultural, environmental and climate measures) "Naturschutzgerechte Grünlandnutzung" (nature-friendly use of grassland ) in the project area of the LIFE project and the farmers are directly involved in the necessary measures.
On 13.06.2022, initial experiences with the agricultural support program were presented to farmers, representatives from various authorities, associations and the ministry in Mönkebude as part of a presentation and an excursion (documents for download under information).
The meeting met with a great response and a lively exchange took place. Now everyone is curious to see what the program will look like in the next funding period. Let's keep our fingers crossed that it will be a good program, that even more farmers will participate and that we will be able to do something for our peatlands and waders anywhere in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
technical excursion on meadow breeding conservation
On 09.06.2022 our project leader, Meike Wegner, conducted a technical excursion on meadow breeding conservation for 18 students of the 6th semester IFEM (International Forest Ecosystem Management) as part of a field trip "Zoological-Wildlife Biological Field Exercise" and Mr. Burkhard Stöcker, lecturer for ecology and ornithology (HNE Eberswalde) to the polder Mönkebude.
lecture on the LIFE project and excursions to the polder Mönkebude and Freesendorfer Wiesen/Struck took place for students of the University of Applied Sciences Neubrandenburg
On 09.06.2022 our project leader, Meike Wegner, conducted a technical excursion on meadow breeding conservation for 18 students of the 6th semester IFEM (International Forest Ecosystem Management) as part of a field trip "Zoological-Wildlife Biological Field Exercise" and Mr. Burkhard Stöcker, lecturer for ecology and ornithology (HNE Eberswalde) to the polder Mönkebude.
Drone flight in the polder of Bugewitz
Our colleague has brought a drone and made very valuable pictures and videos for us. You can see nicely how the ditches are filled to the top with water and the meadows are wet. The vegetation is short and the mobile fence for the protection of the nesting meadow birds will be put up in the next few days. Some lapwings are already mating and the redshanks are also there. Let's keep our fingers crossed that a few more individuals will find the polder of Bugewitz attractive for breeding too.
Start in the breeding season 2022
You may have noticed the many "UFOs" or "flying wimps," as the lapwings are sometimes jokingly called in Germany. These nicknames come from their distinctive call and their way of flying acrobatically. Many are still on migration, but the first ones are looking for suitable territories for breeding in our areas. Reason enough to start with the erection of the mobile protection fences in the polder Mönkebude. We had energetic support from volunteers and the nature parks "Am Stettiner Haff" and "Insel Usedom" and were able to place a total of 4300 m of fence on two areas. Now we hope for sufficient protection against predatory mammals as well as a successful breeding and raising of the chicks in this season.
5th project meeting
At the beginning of each year, we meet with our project partners to review last year's implementations, give a detailed insight into the finances and discuss the action plans for the coming year. Due to the pandemic, the meeting was held via video conference. Afterwards, the steering committee met. In addition, the project management team, consisting of employees of the nature parks and the LIFE project, meets twice a year to discuss upcoming work.
4. meeting of the project advisory board
The project advisory board was convened for the first time on 26.11.2018. At this anual meetings measures and implementations of our project were discussed directly with the affected authorities of the district of Vorpommern-Greifswald, municipalities, water managers, hunting, farming and nature conservation associations and put up for discussion. The 4th meeting was used for a mid-term review. For this purpose, the objectives and planned measures of the project as well as the achievements were presented. For a detailed presentation of the measures, reference was made to the annual project report.
Many measures could be implemented on a voluntary basis. First successes in breeding bird numbers are visible, but still far behind the goals of the EU LIFE project. The implementation of investment measures in the polders is problematic. These can only be implemented if the interests of meadow breeding protection are secured in the long term (at least 25 years). For the necessary consolidation of the area, exchange areas are needed. However, the improvement of habitat suitability could be started via an aditional program in the environmetal schemes. This started in 2021 and was well accepted by the farmers. The methodical procedure and the first experiences were presented.
Due to the pandemic, the meeting was held on 02/12/2021 via video conference.
Workshop "Management of salt grassland" at the Ozeaneum Stralsund on 29.10.21
The discussion of the problem of the strong degradation phenomena of salt marsh peatlands was continued. Together with the AG Küstenvogelschutz Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, a seminar on the topic of "Management of salt marshes" was organized at the Ozeaneum Stralsund on 29.10.2021. During the meeting, current problems and approaches for solutions were discussed based on the genesis and historical use.
Hydrological optimization in the polder Mönkebude
In the polder Mönkebude, the dam in front of the Malbusen was repaired. This allows the water levels to be permanently set at a high level (-0.1 to - 0.4 m NHN) in the entire polder. Previously, this was only possible to a limited extent by adjusting the lamella oft he pumping station. Due to the higher water levels in the last three years, the gangway at the pumping station was regularly flooded. In order to enable access at higher water levels, the gangway was positioned higher and got repaired.
Annual report 2020 to download now
The annual report 2020 informs you about the progress of the LIFE Limicodra project. Here you can find detailed information about the implemented measures. The report can be downloaded from the information page.
Number of breeding pairs in 2021
The evaluation of the breeding season 2021 showed a mixed picture. At the project site Struck, the numbers stagnated at a low level, the number of breeding birds in the Freesendorfer Wiesen was comparable to the previous year, the breeding success is still low. The re-established areas on the island Großer Wotig were well accepted by breeding birds, breeding success is likely. In the polders Rosenhagen and Bugewitz only a few lapwings bred in 2021 due to unfavorable vegetation structure. In the polder Mönkebude, conditions were ideal in 2021. The development here continues to be positive and breeding success was also recorded. Three pairs of black-tailed godwits bred here in 2021. We know our tasks and will continue to optimize the hydrological and vegetative conditions in our areas so that we can welcome a few more and perhaps also new guests in the next season. A curlew has already looked around a few times, at least in the polder Mönkebude.
Hydrological optimization in the project area Großer Wotig
After reed overgrown meadows were mowed in the last years in the northern part of the Großer Wotig and in the Pastorwiesen, a survey was carried out in 2020 by drone flights.
These areas were not adequately mapped due to the reed beds.
Based on the survey, hydrological optimization of the drainage paths in the northern and central parts of the island Großer Wotig and in the Pastorwiesen were carried out in August 2021.
The aim was to ensure unhindered water exchange. With the help of a mini-excavator, four existing tideway structures in the meadows of the area Pastorwiesen were strengthened over a length of 501 m. On the island of Großer Wotig, a total of 27 tideway sections ( alltogether 1572 m) and one crossing were rehabilitated and one new crossing was created.
Vegetation conformation in the northern project areas is being pushed on
To support the conformation of vegetation in the northern project areas, mowing of with reed overgrown areas is still required. Through contracting, 7.5 ha were mowed in the summer at the Cosim Peninsula and 29.6 ha at the project site Großer Wotig. On the island Struck, due to technical problems and subsequent flooding, mowing could only be partially carried out in 2021.
Project poster and flyer
As part of our public relations work, we created a new project poster. This is available for download on Information. If you have a free spot in your parish hall, foundation or institute, we will also be happy to drop one off. Our project flyer got also an update and is available too Information.
Opening Nature Park Hiking Trail in M-V
The Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Nature Park Hiking Trail runs right past the project areas of the EU LIFE project Limicodra. As part of the opening of the 907 km long hiking trail, in the presence of the Minister for Agriculture and Environment Dr. Till Backhaus and District Administrator Michael Sack presented the EU LIFE project Limicodra with its goals and measures.
During the hike, the Rosenhagen pumping station was visited and the AUKM funding “peat-conserving dewatering and meadow breeder protection” developed in the LIFE project was presented. We hope that the hikers will be accompanied by the roaring and yelling of black-tailed godwit and lapwing.
21th may - European NATURA 2000 Day
European Natura 2000 Day relates to the 21st May 1992, when both EU Habitats Directive and LIFE programme were approved. This Directive together with the Birds Directive (adopted in 1979) became a base of EU Natura 2000 Network of protected areas. Today Natura 2000 consists of more than 27 800 sites across EU land and seas successfully contributing to the preservation of our unique European natural heritage.
To celebrate the Natura 2000 network - one of the EU's most outstanding achievements – and to honor the efforts of everyone involved in making it a success, the European Commission together with the European Parliament, the Council Presidency and the Committee of the Regions declared 21st May as European Natura 2000 Day.
On the occasion of the EU Natura 2000 Day, visit a close by Natura 2000 site, learn and discover the species and habitats it protects and use #Natura2000Day to share your experience.
In 2021, we are putting the spotlight on the proximity of Natura 2000 sites to people and on the benefits that nature brings to people and the planet, including those related to health. The Natura 2000 network with its vast coverage brings nature literally at our doorstep. Given the current situation with COVID-19 in Europe, we will be celebrating this special day on social media. Use the #Natura2000 or #Natura2000Day and join us there!
First countings from polder areas
Spring season started with cold weather and many breeding pairs.
The water levels are optimally high for the time of year. It's cold, the vegetation is growing slowly and evaporation is not as strong as in previous years. The breeding conditions are optimal in Mönkebude and good to sufficient in the Bugewitz and Rosenhagen polders.
To date in Mönkebude, 21 pairs of lapwing have been breeding inside the protective fence and 3 outside, some of them already have chicks.There are 2-3 pairs of Redshank and 2 pairs of black-tailed godwit. 50-100 ruffs and approx. 40 snipes are present in search of food and on migration. The curlew has now also been sighted.
A lonely couple is breeding in the Rosenhagen polder, exactly where they were last year. So probably the same couple as last year. A total of 3 pairs of lapwing breed in the Bugewitz polder.
New recording methods
The monitoring of meadow breeders in our project areas continues thoroughly. In addition to the common recording of breeding birds with binoculars, we are currently investigating drone-based recording methods together with thermal DRONES GmbH and the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development.
As part of a student thesis, we are trying to find out whether the clutches of the meadow breeders can be found with a drone and thermal imaging camera.
Start of breeding saison 21
The limicoles are returning to their breeding habitats in salt marshes and meadows along the Szezczin Lagoon. We therefor have started to built electric fencing around breeding sites.
At project site Polder Mönkebude we set up about 2200 m of electric fencing to defend breeding sites on still humid meadows from predators like foxes and wild boars.
Picking up old fences on peninsula Cosim
For the renewing of pasture fences at coastal sides of the peninsula the old barbed wire fence had to be picked up. The rests of it were manually picked up by Nature park rangers.
EU LIFE project tests new funding option for AUKM
Mire-friendly water management and meadow birds protection
In the context of the EU-LIFE project Limicodra, the AUKM “extensive management of permanent grassland areas” runs the testing of additional funding option “mire-friendly water managemnet and meadow birds protection” from this year on. Agricultural, environmental and climate protection measures (AUKM) are agricultural funding instruments that make sustainable production processes financially more attractive for farmers.
Areas in which the water level is kept at 30 cm below the surface from January to the end of May are eligible for funding. The water level is set at a weir, a maximum of 30% of the requested parcel may be above this water level. At the same time, the farmers tolerate protective measures for meadow breeding birds, such as the construction of mobile clutch fences or partial watering in the event of drought.
For the next 2 years, about 350 hectares of land were applied for, the additional funding amounts to 210 € / hectare. This compensates for the difficulties in farming and provides financial incentives to “produce breeding birds” in addition to feed for cattle. In addition, an important contribution to climate protection is made, since the water level improvement reduces the emission of climate-damaging gases.
As a technical service provider for the state of M-V, the LIFE project coordinated the congestion targets with the farmers and the water and soil associations and supported the farmers in determining the eligible parcels. Based on the experience, a funding program is to be developed so that in future the program can be applied for throughout Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.
volunteers requested
Our project is recruiting volunteers to support us on protection measurments and monitoring.
Please contact the project office ( or the Nature Park administration in Eggesin or Usedom!
Successful 2020
2020 was a successful year. For the first time we welcomed four pairs of Black-tailed Godwit on the project site in Mönkebude. The measures for predator and water management are having an effect.
Good news we got recently from the European Commission/EASME. Our mid-term report was accepted. What a great message at the end of the year! Now we are looking forward to the next breeding season.
Since December Martina Behrens is part of the LIFE team and Christian Schröder has taken over the project management from Meike Kilian for the next year.
Breeding season 2020
Now we have collected all numbers of breeding pairs in the project sites for 2020. We are proud to see more pairs even in polder sites. Our measures of predator management (electric fences) and water management (water pumps to keep wet sinks) seem to improve the situation of habitat sites. And the limicoles have recognized that. In Polder Mönkebude some couples of Blacktailed Godwit have installed. In Freesendorfer Wiesen nearby our target species Avocet, Ringed plover and Oystercatcher are breeding, too. We hope to have even more species in the following seasons.
test of solar-powered pumps
In august our solar pumps arrived in Bugewitz and are now available for watering of parts of the polders in breeding season.
Testing of the devices took place in polder Rosenhagen just for several minutes, because breeding season has passed and precipitation of the last days was sufficient for plants growth.
exploring salt grasslands with experts
In the end of august LIFE Limicodra gathered two dozens of experts to visit the salt grasslands on island Großer Wotig and in Freesendorfer Wiesen.
This time we focused on structure of and threats of turf layers in the grasslands. There are several problems to solve to keep this habitat space for limicola and other typical coastal species.
Grazing on peninsula Cosim started
Since mid-July Highland cattle is grazing on peninsula Cosim. They shall suppress the reed and facilitate space for salt marshes.This race from Scottish Highlands is accostumed to raw climate and nutrition.
Now we are curious about the first arrival of lapwings.
First countings from 2020
Look for some details from the polder sites here (only german version available).
Information boards installed!
Information at the project areas is now available on boards at project sites Freesendorfer Wiesen, Struck, Großer Wotig and Peninsula Cosim. They have been installed by the Nature Park rangers and provide infos on the project and its species. But walking onto sites is not allowed either by the rules of the Nature Reserves. You can obtain the possibility to visit the sites with an exkursion of Nature Park Usedom or our project manager in future, if you stay up to date with our website!
monitoring report 2019 now available
You can find the number of breeding pairs of our target species and other meadow birds in the monitoring report as download on the info site.
Launch of pasturing on Peninsula Cosim
End of April we purchased the last required parcel of land on the northern crook of the peninsula. And also the electric fence for pasture was finished. In winter time reeds were clearcut. An area of about 9 ha is now prepared for grazing with Highland cattle.
It is a very robust race for beef, which gets on with rough feeding and wet hooves. Early beginning of grazing shall reduce abundant land reed by biting and tapping, in favour of the salt marsh species and waders. We are curious about the development of this site.
Monitoring and Nest Protection in spring 2020
Last year different measures for the protection of our target species led to successful breeding. Descendants and parents have returned to project sites abundantly. Since two years precipation is lacking more and more, so we have started irrigation in two parts of the polders. One pump has left puddles for the pleasure of waders and other animals.
We have built in total 5600 metres of mobile electric enclosures for the protection of clutches in all polder areas and in the Freesendorfer Wiesen. We concentrated on areas abundant of breeding pairs, single nests were extra enclosed or covered with a grid dome.
In total 46 pairs of Sociable Lapwing, 7 pairs of Redshank, 2 pairs of Blacktailed Godwit and 6 pairs of Great Ringed Plover are now protected from the access by mammal predators. Luckily we will help some pairs of Avocet and a pair of Oistercatcher too. Final countings will be found in the monitoring report 2020 at our Information site.
Dryness and its consequences
The recent dryness in Western Pomerania brings a great risk for the meadow birds in the polder areas. Sociable Lapwing, Common Godwit and other waders need humid, pokeable soil for nutrition mostly in spring saison to nurse their chicks. If soil surface is drying to fast, chicks are missing water and insects.
At the moment the fen soil is still humid enough. But shown by the ground water measurements the ground water level is sinking daily by 1-2 cm. So breeding until June is very precarious.
To help the meadow birds, we try to prevent a fast water level sinking and irrigate some parts of the polders at the surface. Additionally we develop strategies for prolonging the higher ground water levels until summer month.
Not only for the waders low water level is unfavourable: The polders consist of fen moores with turf tickness up to 5 meteres. By desiccation the turf is decomposing (by oxidisation) and surface sags up to 1 cm per year. It provokes sinking ground surface, high carbon dioxide emissions and high costs for pumping stations.
Den hunting 2020
For recording the predators living in the protected coastal bird areas this year another den hunting was made. After winter months some specialized huntsmen gathered to reduce the population of mammal predators.
In current year Freesendorfer Wiesen were controlled on 28th of February and 18th of March. No animals were hunted, but existing and used dens were registered. After flood days on island Struck a badger was hunted. By removal of predators the dangerous visits at the nests can be reduced and they can have another chance to nurse their chicks and keep their population in the area. For this reason some artifical dens will be installed this year.
LIFE Limicodra in a meeting with volunteers in nature protection in destrict Vorpommern-Greifswald
The Office of nature conservation of destrict Vorpommern-Greifswald invited all volunteer workers to a meeting on 7th of March in the „Zuckerfabrik“ in Anklam. 76 participants listened to interesting lectures and talks from the practices. Our colleague from Flächenagentur MV Peter Markgraf told about safeguarding land for compensation measurements. Our project and its recent status was introduced by the manager Meike Kilian. You can find a download link of the presentation (german) in Information.
Now we are seeking for volunteers in our project sites to care for the meadow birds. We continue this year with training and hope for further interested persons. Contents of the program will be ecological basics, legal background, basics of hunting and farming, detailed knowledge of target species and habitats, ornithological monitoring methods, protection methods in field and further. The program takes place for several days in the breeding saison (8-12 weeks in spring) to learn theory and practices. The training volunteers will be certificated. It is foreseen to assist the project team, mainly in spring, until completion of the project in 2025 and afterwards to continue the care of the meadows sites. Are you interested now? Please contact us!
The 2019 saison in the project
Extract from the Press releases in the bulletins of regional counties (january and february):
Last year we succeeded in several points.
We achieved the milestone of the hydrogeological study for the polder sites to plan the measures for the water stabilization in the breeding saison. They can not yet be started because of lacking permissions.
The first Sociable Lapwings bred in the polder Mönkebude. Even if there was a general dryness of preceding year and a very low groundwater level in the other polders (Rosenhagen, Bugewitz), in Mönkebude the soil body was in better condition to start breeding. We enhenced the situation with watering temporarely a part of about 1,5 ha. Additionally we built electric enclosures of 2200 m length.10 breeding pairs of Lapwing and one of Redshank have settled.
In the Nature Reserves breeding saison was also successful. 30 pairs of lapwings, 10-12 of redshank, 5 of great ringed plover and one oistercatcher were monitored.
The northern part of NR peninsula Cosim was transformed from reeds to pasture land. By purchasing and renting the land the foundation is now in charge of the area to become salt marshland again.
Annual project meeting took place on January 31
Our project meeting takes place once a year. For this, our project partners (Landesamt für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Geologie, Natureparks "Am Stettiner Haff" and "Insel Usedom", Ostseestiftung, Amphi International, Stiftung Umwelt und Naturschutz M-V) came together on January 31 in the project office in Bugewitz.
Within the project management team, we evaluated the 2nd half of 2019 and set the work planning for the 1st half of 2020.
Further colleagues joined for the project meeting and we discussed completed project activities in 2019, planned activities in 2020 and evaluated the project progress (financial and reports).
After Lunch at Café Oblomov (, the steering committee discussed about drawn downs, funds and proof of use.
It was a long and constructive day and we have made a few decisions. We are ready for the breeding season 2020!
LIFE Limicodra now on Instagram
LIFE Limicodra can also be found on the social network Instagram. Follow us on Instagram at "lifelimicodra":
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Second Meeting of Project Advisory Board
The second meeting of the projects advisory board took place in Bugewitz october, 22th. Stakeholders could inform theirselves about the projects monitoring and measures 2019. Johannes Limberg presented results of the geo-hydrological study of polders Rosenhagen, Bugewitz and Mönkebude.
In discussion we talked about possible measures for irrigation of the degraded turf soils in the Polders in spring months. This is essential for our breeding birds habitat. Before planning the projects we are focussing on land purchase and assignment.
First success for predator management in project sites Freesendorfer Wiesen and Mönkebude, where more fledgelings were risen than in 2018. This could me an positive effect of protection by mobile electric fences.
Conference of the International Wader Study Group, UK
The annual meeting of the International Wader Study Group was held in Morecambe Bay, UK from 20.-23.09.2019. The first results of the LIFE Limicodra project were presented with a poster (for download see information). The lectures and posters of various experts in the field of waders stimulated discussions and informative talks. A workshop on predator management provided many examples of measures and implementations that we can use for our project.
We took a lot of new information, contacts, suggestions and hints for the implementation of our project from the conference. Some experts have invited us to get to know their areas and projects. A study trip to the Netherlands and England is planned with other LIFE projects next year. The exchange of knowledge is an important tool for successful project implementation and the conversations between coffee and cake solved open questions and provided new ideas. Next year the conference will take place in Germany on Sylt and we will join it again.
Reparation of water ducts in Freesendorfer Wiesen
In september we repaired the water ducts in Freesendorfer Wiesen to provide water flow of flooding in the breeding habitats there.
The reconstruction of 3 ducts and the building of a new one was made with the help of stakeholder Agrar GmbH Wusterhusen. The flooding water can now reach the breeding habitats in the interior areas of Freesendorfer Wiesen.
Visiting Isle of Großer Wotig
A group of experts from Greifswald Moor Centrum, University of Greifswald and State office for Environment visited in the end of June the Greater Isle of Wotig in the Peene Stream. They were guided by Christian Schröder, our site manager, to see the status quo. Some questions were discussed.
They found the salt marshlands in deconstruction in some areas, because of the frequent flooding and tapping of cattle. Also the cattle cannot reach every part of the isle, because of difficult crossing of tideways. So this summer we will built some firm fords across tideways or drainage channels, to get the cattle grazing in the reeds to restore the marshlands in the northern part of the isle.
Presentation of geohydrological studies in polder Bugewitz, Rosenhagen and Mönkebude
The EU LIFE Projekt „LIFE Limicodra“ aims the rescue of meadow breeding waders at the coast of Western Pommerania. To resume all possibilities of habitat restoration we charged the UmweltPlan GmbH with geohydrological studies and modelling for the polders.
The results of the studies were presented and discussed to citizens, farmers and owners on 26.06.2019 in Bugewitz and 01.07.2019 in Mönkebude.
We would like to thank you for your coming, your questions and suggestions. We were able to take a lot of new information and ideas for ourselves and the project.
Presentation of geohydrological studies in polder Mönkebude
Presentation of geohydrological studies in polders Bugewitz and Rosenhagen
The EU LIFE Projekt „LIFE Limicodra“ aims the rescue of meadow breeding waders at the coast of Western Pommerania. To resume all possibilities of habitat restoration we charged the UmweltPlan GmbH with geohydrological studies and modelling for the polders.
We want to show the results of the studies to citizens, farmers and owners in the polders and discuss about questions and possibilities to optimize the habitats of meadow birds.
content: geohydrological studies in the polders Bugewitz and Rosenhagen
appointment: wednesday, june 26th 2019, 6 p.m.
location: Gasthaus „Zum Mühlengraben“, Bugewitz
Visit from Ministry of Agriculture and Environment
Dr. Buchwald (left in picture) was accompanied by Marie-Luise Waldenspuhl from the Department of Sustainable Development, Forestry and Nature Protection. They were informed about our project and its challenges as far as the first milestones to present. They got the chance to see two polders together with the farmers to talk about their recent problems and to find a way to serve both: land users and conservationists. Goal is to keep the soil in good conditions to feed the cattle as well as the breeding birds. A positive side effect is the reduction of climate relevant gases from the drained fens. We hopefully look farward to find a new and flexible programme or module in the next period of Agro-environmental and Climate protection Measures suitable for meadow breeding birds in wet grasslands.
Presse release of Ministry of Agriculture and Environment M-V
you find the release as download in the information site
experience with LIFE Wiesenvoegel in Lower Saxonia
The Ochsenmoor south of Dümmer was rewetted since the 1990ies. The ground level sank under the lake water level and is watered by several wind pumping stations and about 50 hand controled weirs. This reveals a great mosaic of different water levels and vegetation types. These measures stopped the drop down of meadow breading species and reversed it. Just predation by mammals brought a relapse. Consequent hunting management with pipe traps and chasing could reduce losses of clutches and chicks.
At the Kehdinger marshes near Freiburg/Elbe we have seen similar measures. Here we found breeding areas between summer dike and main dike as well as in the tide zone.
Well, we know now, what challenges we will meet...
Solar powering for breeding
The breeding birds have already recured to their territories in our project sites. A reason to protect their habitat sites from intrusion by fox, raccoon and raccoon dog. So we have built up 4500 m of electric fences.
We have now protected habitats of 30 ha in both sites Freesendorfer Wiesen and Mönkebude with mobile electric fencing. Northern Lapwing, Redshank, Common Ringed Plover and even some Avocets in Freesendorfer Wiesen and Lapwings in Mönkebude will hopefully benefit from it.
Solar panels feed-in the electric fences reducing the impact on climate revelant emissions.
Electric fencing for clutch protection
As early as never before lapwing and co. have returned to Western Pomerania for breeding. In our neighbour-project in Leopoldshagen electric fences were put up on march, 12 2019. They suppose to protect the nests of Northern Lapwing, Redshank, Eurasian Curlew, Black-tailed Godwit and other ground breeding birds from mammal predators like foxes.
The colleagues from Nature Park „Am Stettiner Haff“ were instructed in proper fencing the habitat, because they will help us to put up and control the fencing against predators in our project sites. Our electric fences are on the way to the project sites now.
2nd visit by NEEMO
This time Dr. Bergmann took a glance on polder Bugewitz with sunny and to warm wheather. We spoke about the geohydrological study going on in the polders. Results are expected for end of May. Meantime we are looking forward on monitoring of breeding birds and fencing for protection of nests.
start of hydrological study
For the hydrological studies UmweltPlan GmbH from Stralsund was ordered. They will investigate the geo-hydrological conditions in the polders and suggest possible measures for improvement of breeding and feeding conditions for the meadow birds.
So now since October 2018 there are 15 groundwater- and 10 surfacewater- recording points in the polders of Rosenhagen, Bugewitz and Mönkebude, collecting data of water levels in the ground. Data is also recorded frequently by our manager of hydrological measures, Johannes Limberg from the Baltic Sea Foundation Germany. You can see him with project manager Meike Kilian in the photo.
First Meeting of Project Advisory Board
At the first meeting of the projects advisory board we appointed stakeholders from public authorities, communities, associations for water management, agriculture, hunting and nature protection. They were informed about the projects aims and measures. The actual status is finishing ex-ante monitoring and starting of our geo-hydrological study in polders Rosenhagen, Bugewitz and Mönkebude.
Expert Meeting in Bugewitz
From November, 7th to 9th we invited 9 experts from Germany and Denmark to visit our project and talk about their experience.
We discussed intensively about behaviour and requirements of our target species as far as the protection of their nests and chicks from predating, optimization of their habitat structures by increasing groundwater level in breeding season and by better management of grazing and mowing. Even judicial questions we have considered. In the field we talked about measures in the polders Rosenhagen, Bugewitz and Mönkebude and in the NR Freesendorfer Wiesen and Struck.
In the photo you see the visit of adjacent polder Leopoldshagen and project manager Geranda Olsthoorn of the project for compensation (E2) of the Flächenagentur MV. We spoke about good basics of ground and vegetation for meadow breeding birds.
Excursion to Sweden
At the end of september with early autumn weather we toured southern Sweden to see wader projects at Kristianstad, Öland and Falsterbo.
In biosphere reserve Vattenrike we learned a lot of hydrological situation and meadow management from Hans Cronert. He showed us H°aslövs Ängar, a peninsula in lake Hammersjö what is flowed through by Helge river towards the Baltic Sea.
Öland island is the place for former LIFE project Meadows and wetlands of Öland (2000-2004) that was presented by Susanne Forslund. We have seen a lot of different meadows types and were impressed by the geological features and especially by the hunting methods of Magnus Johansson for predator birds .
Last but not least we got to know more successful methods of protection for meadow breeding birds near Falsterbo bird station. P.G. Bentz showed us some highlights of recent bird migration and methods for recolonization of Avocet.
From our trip from northern shore of Baltic we took many suggestions for our project and thank a lot our guides Susanne, Hans, Magnus and P.G.
Public Presentation of the LIFE project and NaturKulturHaus Bugewitz
The grand opening of NaturKulturHaus Bugewitz was joined by the presentation of our bird protection project. Environment minister T. Backhaus brought his best wishes for both projects. Numerous visitors got the chance to see our bureau and the first exhibition of nature photographies of the Anklamer Stadtbruch by the German Society of Animal Photography. Soon an interactive exhibition about meadow breeding birds, Anklamer Stadtbruch and landscape history can be experienced.
Children's University ("Kinder UNI") with LIFE meadow birds
On May 23, 2018, site supervisor Christian Schröder held a presentation about the LIFE grassland birds project at Greifswald University in front of 140 children. He was supported by Kai Paulig and Dr. Sebastian Lorenz. The kids were enthusiastic about the birds' looks and calls. Afterwards they had the opportunity to look through a spotting scope that is used to watch and count birds in order to record their populations.
Start of monitoring in the project areas
In april our site managers Kai and Christian started monitoring and counting of breeding birds. Vegetation will be recorded after breeding season. Johannes, our manager of hydrological measures, is preparing the hydrological studies.
Kick-off meeting
On friday, 13th of April we gathered together with the project partners for the Kick-off-meeting of LIFE-Limicodra. The project was completely introduced by our (temporary) manager Christian Schröder. Steering Commitee (SC) and project management team (PMT) were called up. Next steps will be convening an advisory council and the forum of experts.
First visit of EU project tutor
On january, 23th Mr. Bergmann from NEEMO, our tutor and monitor of the EC, became a first overview of working process and visited three of our project sites. We will meet up yearly to control work in progression. On this winter day we could not observe any target species, so our former project manager Dr. Lorenz shows him (here on the map) the isle and Nature Reserve Großer Wotig.
Visit to LIFE Limosa project and Bunde Wischen farm
At the end of November 2017, in preparation of our own project, we were visiting with the project LIFE Limosa and the cooperative Bunde Wischen (which means colourful meadows) in Schleswig-Holstein. Together with our project partners (State Office LUNG, Nature parks, Baltic Sea Foundation, Amphi International) and other related organisations our team could see on two rainy days sites, measures and success of these projects for the protection of meadow breeding birds. So we returned enthusiastic to our land.