The picture was taken at Ostermoor.
Our Project Partners

The State Office of Environment, Nature Protection and Geology in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is project partner in charge of Nature Parks Isle of Usedom and At Szczecin Lagoon and our political spokesman.

Nature park Isle Usedom
This nature park covers together with the beautiful island the lagoon Achterwasser and the western riverside of Peenestrom, where four of our project sites are located.

Nature park At Szczecin Lagoon
This park covers wide parts of the southern coast of Szczecin Lagoon and woods and mires of Ueckermünder Heide. At its most western end you can find our project polder sites.

German Foundation for the Protection of the Baltic Sea
The German Foundation for the Protection of the Baltic Sea supports projects to ameliorate the state of the Baltic Sea and its catchment area. It provides the competence for hydrological engineering in our project.

Amphi International
Amphi International, seated in Denmark, has practical experience with Life-projects and will continue supporting us especially by international networking in the Baltic region.
Our Financiers

Life programme
The European Commission finances within the frame of the LIFE programme the greatest part (58%) of our project.

Ministry for Climate Protection, Agriculture, Rural Areas and Environment M-V
The Ministry for Climate Protection, Agriculture, Rural Areas and Environment in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern seated in Schwerin is the second greatest financier and funds about 25 % of our project.

German Foundation for the Protection of the Baltic Sea
The German Foundation for the Protection of the Baltic Sea supports our project with a financial part of 8%.

The State Office of Environment, Nature Potection and Geology in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern funds our project additionally with 100.000 Euro.